Immortals Fenyx Rising™ Gold Edition - XBOX One,Xbox Series X,Xbox Ser

Immortals Fenyx Rising™ Gold Edition - XBOX One,Xbox Series X,Xbox Ser

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Immortals Fenyx Rising™ Gold Edition - XBOX One,Xbox Series X,Xbox Ser


Tuotteen perustiedot

Get the game, season pass, and in-game content with the Gold Edition. Immortals Fenyx Rising™ brings grand mythological adventure to life. Play as Fenyx, a new winged demigod, on a quest to save the gods. You are the gods’ last hope.Tutustu ominaisuuksiin
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    Katso tekniset tiedot

    Get the game, season pass, and in-game content with the Gold Edition. Immortals Fenyx Rising™ brings grand mythological adventure to life. Play as Fenyx, a new winged demigod, on a quest to save the gods. You are the gods’ last hope.

    Xbox One X Callouts:

    • 4K Ultra HD
    • HDR
    • Smart Delivery

    File Size: 25GB