Alkaliparisto 9 V Ultra 1-Blisteri

Alkaliparisto 9 V Ultra 1-Blisteri

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Alkaliparisto 9 V Ultra 1-Blisteri


Tuotteen perustiedot

GP Ultra Alkaline batteries are specially formulated to meet the increasing demands of today s new generation of power hungry devices such as : Toys, Torches, Portable Radios, Smoke Alarms and Games Console ControllersGP no.:1604AUVoltage:9 VoltSysteTutustu ominaisuuksiin
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    Katso tekniset tiedot

    GP Ultra Alkaline batteries are specially formulated to meet the increasing demands of today s new generation of power hungry devices such as : Toys, Torches, Portable Radios, Smoke Alarms and Games Console Controllers

    GP no.:1604AU

    Voltage:9 Volt
    IEC code:6LR61